SNME 320 – Its Chamber time! ft. Brandon Cutler

What a week it has been in the world of Wrestling. Let the SNME and Slam! Wrestling crew be your tour guides. 

This week we have another can’t miss interview as Greg Oliver of Slam! Wrestling had the opportunity to sit down with Brandon Cutler. They discuss his role in filming ‘Being the Elite’ and ‘Being the Dark Order’ and keeping in wrestling shape when he doesn’t get to actually wrestle a ton on TV. For the full interview check out Greg’s article over at Slam! Wrestling

We then have the SNME Roundtable as Boris Roberto Aguilar is joined by Brad MacKinnon & Greg Feltham (SmackDaddies!) as we chat The Rock on Smackdown!, Cody’s potential win being overshadowed, TNA Wrestling drama, AEW’s Big Business push and SO MUCH MORE!

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